In this video, I bring aspects of the belief of worthlessness, some examples of how it works, factors that can predispose this belief, how the person with this belief feels, how they can behave. And how cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy can act and help! Belief of Helplessness: • Beliefs of Helplessness... how do they arise??? Belief of Unloving: • BELIEF OF UNLOVING How does it work? #c... Do you already follow me on Instagram? No? Then go there... It will be a pleasure to have you closer in my day-to-day life! / natanymartinspsicologa I have an E-book about GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) available on the Hotmart platform, if you think you may have GAD or know someone who may be suffering from this type of anxiety disorder, just access the link and purchase the e-book full of information, tips and practical materials to help manage anxiety, in a super easy and accessible language! https://go.hotmart.com/Q78068717G Would you like to contact me? Just send an email: [email protected] Or access the link: https://linklist.bio/natanymartins_psi Clinical Psychologist - CRP 06/120716 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Online Service #corebeliefs #nuclearbeliefs #beliefinworthiness #emotionalmaturity #personaldevelopment #emotionaldevelopment #psychology #cognitivebehavioral #therapy #onlinetherapy #emotions #feelings #behavior #mind #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #development #assertiveness #selfresponsibility #selfknowledge #selfcontrol #emotionalselfcontrol #resilience