#polyanaformozo #papdelaços #lacobeli 2 X 46cm of ribbon n9 Be my student by subscribing here???? / polyanaformozolacosinfantis Activate the notification bell to receive my classes. Follow me on Instagram too for more valuable tips???? https://instagram.com/polyanaformozol... In addition to my YouTube channel, and Instagram, I also teach the course that will help you take a step forward in this field of children's accessories. Click on the link below and learn more???? https://www.tiarasparabebe.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Where can you purchase the products used in the video????? ???? Photos of me, you, them Instagram https://instagram.com/fitaseutuelas?u... Website https://www.fitaseutuelas.com.br/ ???? Tape sealing machine - Fitlaser Buy with me and get 10% discount as my student. ???? https://wa.me/message/FLQPUX7LWQW6A1 ???? Bow Labels - SB Mídia Digital / sb_midia_digital ???? Bow Labels - JW Etiquetas https://instagram.com/jwetiquetas?utm... ✂️ Measurements used to make this bow: Ribbon n9 38mm 2 X 46cm ???? The suggested value for this Bow varies between 12.00 to 18.00,00 depending on your region. Do you have difficulty pricing your products? Watch this video below ???? ???? • Video