Many people are worried about whether it is right to have surgery now due to severe pain caused by disc or stenosis, or whether they should endure it with other treatments. Should I have surgery or not? If so, when should I have it? We will solve the biggest worries of spine patients! We have gathered all the things to consider when deciding on spine surgery in this video. 00:00 Should I have spine surgery? Or not? 11:44 If I delay surgery, will I be paralyzed for life? 16:43 Even if I have stenosis surgery, will it relapse anyway? 22:29 If there are multiple stenosis areas, do I have to have surgery for them all? An essential guide to becoming a smart patient who does not suffer from spine diseases! 'Lee Kyung-seok's Spine 88', which reveals all the comfortable(?) truths about the spine that you could not hear on existing YouTube broadcasts - Uploaded every Wednesday at 5 PM. - If you found the video helpful, please subscribe, like, and set notifications. - If there is a topic you would like to see covered on 'Lee Kyung-seok's Spine 88', please suggest it. We will answer any questions you have through the broadcast. -88 Hospital Director Lee Kyung-seok #Stenosis #Spine surgery #Spine fusion #Disc #Radiation pain #Paralysis #Endoscopic surgery #Back pain #Ligament removal #Core muscle #Disc rupture #Intervertebral disc #Good life #88 Hospital #Lee Kyung-seok