A Bedouin series that revolves around a love story between Jasser (Sabah Obaid) and Affa (Suzan Najm Al-Din), but they get into trouble as a result of the conspiracies of her cousin Ajaj (Farouk Al-Jumaat), who wants her as his wife. Then, Ajaj's plots continue, and they flee the tribe with Jasser's mother (Hala Hosni) and begin searching for tribes that might receive them. Directed by: Salem Al-Kurdi Starring: Ahmed Malli, Najah Al-Abdullah, Hala Hosni, Wafaa Al-Abdullah, Youssef Al-Muqbil, Abdul Hakim Qatifan, Mazen Al-Nattour, Sabah Obaid, Abdul Hadi Al-Sabbagh, Nazir Sarhan, Suzan Najm Al-Din