A Bedouin Syrian series that revolves around Amer (Mazen Al-Nattour), who is forced by his father, Sheikh Rakan (Abdul Rahman Al-Rashi), to marry his cousin Shamsa (Amani Al-Hakim), as is the custom in the Arab desert. Amer marries Shamsa despite his love for Shamaa (Rana Jamoul), the daughter of Al-Tanab. The events of the series continue and the sheikh expels his son Amer from the tribe after a problem occurs. Directed by: Salem Al-Kurdi Starring: Felda Sammour Adnan Barakat Iskandar Aziz Najah Al-Abdullah Abdul Hakim Qatifan Nasr Shama Yousef Al-Muqbil Nazir Sarhan Sabah Obaid Rana Jamoul Mazen Al-Nattour