Beautiful Voice in 5 minutes: Vocal Exercises to Sing Well Singing Classes Jundiaí See all my courses: Website - https://www.kauefratello.com.br/curso... The ECV Course is completely online, with video lessons, pdf and mp3 files. See more on the website: https://www.kauefratello.com.br/ecv-t... Before singing, it is very important that you do vocal relaxation, stretching and warming up, for reasons of performance and vocal health. Developing the voice to sing well includes a series of elements, such as exercises, postures, and vocal adjustments, which are generally more difficult without professional help. To sing well and have a beautiful voice, we go through a vocal training process, which is much easier with the help of a singing teacher, in quotes. Below, I will list most of the terms we use and study in singing: Breathing; Vocal Warm-up; Tuning; Vocal Registers or Mechanisms; Belting; Chest Voice, Falsetto, Mixed Voice; Vibrato, Melisma, Vocal Drives; Formants; Phonation Modes; Resonance, Vocal Projection, and Articulation; Vocal Range; Tessitura, Section, Vocal Classification; There is much more information, techniques and guidelines that you need to understand and learn to sing well. And here in the in-person singing lessons in Jundiaí, you can learn. Call, or contact on Whatsapp - 11987377536 #singinglesson #singingteacher #music #singingtips #singinglessonsjundiai #vocaltechnique #howtolearntosing #singwell #howtosingwell