Up until now, farmer Brakelmann has not paid much attention to the finer details of his interior design. However, that changes when he learns in the village pub that a local farmer has sold his property for 800,000 euros. Brakelmann wants to give his house a fresh coat of paint and also sell it to a rich city dweller. But the plan initially seems to fail because Brakelmann cannot find anyone to lend him money for paint and brushes. Help in exchange for money But then a special offer from a nearby hardware store saves Brakelmann's idea. You can have everything there, but you don't have to pay for it until much later. Inspired by this offer and seduced by the endless range of products in the hardware store, Brakelmann now expands the beautification work on his property. His friend-enemy Adsche Tönnsen is at his side. For a fee, of course. A brilliant idea But the not perfectly coordinated work on the Brakelmann house soon gets out of hand. When technical defects also torpedo the undertaking, Brakelmann realizes that he has only one option left to permanently beautify his property: the farmhouse must be burned down. Episode 24 / 2008 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de