Part 1: • Beatbox Game - Asian Champion ver. Part 2: • Beatbox Game 2 - Asian Champion ver. 2024 is drawing to a close. It's been a little over four years since we started uploading videos to YouTube. As that short yet long time has passed, we've come to a realization. There isn't a need for two Asian champions in this world. Tonight, we'd like to arbitrarily decide who is the real Asian champion with a beatbox game. Be sure to take a look. ★Rofu ◻︎X / rofumans ◻︎Instagram / rofumans ★Fuga ◻︎Youtube / @fugabeatbox ◻︎X / fugabeatbox ◻︎Instagram / fugabeatbox ★HIRO ◻︎Youtube / @goro_meme ◻︎X / goro_meme ◻︎Instagram / goromeme