Be careful, when the first symptoms appear, 40-50 percent of the kidney is already not working! Many of us only have an idea of the physical and mental burden that it can be for people suffering from kidney failure and their families to experience that their lives are almost dependent on machines. Those affected have to spend a lot of time in hospital and undergoing treatment. How many people in Hungary are affected by kidney failure today? What contributes to the development of the disease? In what risk factors should a person pay more attention to their kidneys and how can they pay more attention? We talked about this on the Karc FM Paletta program with Dr. Alexandra Szabó, clinical pharmacist and Dr. Szilveszter Dolgos, chief physician, the staff of the Nephrology Department and Kidney Transplant Station of the Szent Margit Hospital, and the affected person Szabolcs Mogyorósy. ►Facebook: / karcfm ► Our website: https://karcfm.hu/