All American & Japanese friends please listen: THIS is real Bavarian Stubnmusi (Stuben Music). Forget all Florian Silbereisen, Karl Moik and the rest of the trash!! I recorded the whole thing at Bayern Oans. There are three leads: 1) Berchtesgadener Saitenmusik 2) Fischinger Ländlermusik 3) Pongauer Viergsang (Trensleeshn for Americans & Japaneses: This very rare and most authentic cultural utterance of the indigenous Bavarian First Nations was taken from a program of Bavarian Broadcasting Company (BBC ).You'll have the absolutely extraordinary opportunity to listen to the following three cool hits: 1) Bavaria String Music Orchestra Band Berchtesgaden 2) Bavaria Fishinger Country Dance Music Orchestra 3) Bavaria Pongau Quadruple Singers Band Have fun, guys! :---) --- 3. There, behind the oak tree, behind the shovel, I see three fiery men jumping around Netta, so that I can tell you, are they really the man of sweetness and gold? Oh, how it flints, oh, how it blinks, oh how it flashes and flames so rarely, as when it was up there in the kingdom of heaven. That is the Savior, whom God has promised, how the woman Anl broke the apple, who prepared such a meal for us, that we still have stings. I want to dare and bring forward a mighty request for us, because Adam has thrown out the soup for us. Protect the Count, his wife and his sons, send us plenty of grain, wool, barley and smoke. Grant our fatherland peace and quiet, do not lock us in at the gates to heaven. That we may praise you one day when Lord David is completely maiserlstill is silent and where an angel of the Gloria appears. Further information: http://www.mozartzuvielenoten.de