Here is a short film excerpt. Bavarian television (3-SAT Ländermagazin) made a film about Puria's life in a yurt in the Bavarian Forest. The entire 30-minute report can be found on Puria's website: https://puria.org/waldhuette-mieten/ Since Puria is active in the Lebensgärten Bayerwald association, which wants to spread ecological, regenerative and regional vegetable cultivation, she was able to quickly convince the television team to report on it as well. The vision of the association is, among other things, to inspire many SoLawis (=solidarity agriculture) or community gardens that contribute to the recovery of nitrate and pesticide-contaminated soils, to the cleanliness of the groundwater and to solidarity, community work. More information about the association: https://lebensgaerten-bayerwald.de/