Cloud gaming from 13 ₽/hour: https://l.mts.ru/fogplay_tipageek Promo code: TipaGeek The promo code gives a 15% discount for 3 days for new users. The promotion is valid until 01.12.2025 =============================================================================== Play AMAZING ONLINE: https://amazing.gg/a/geek My personal promo code: GEEK ========================================================================================== My VK public with videos - https://vk.com/public181635929 ================================================================================= @Methol4ikcrazy announcer TELEGA - https://t.me/tipageeki Group with music (music from the video there) - https://vk.com/kostfieldband Discord channel - https://discordapp.com/invite/XRcDcdy == ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who want to help the channel with a ruble: Donation - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/tipa... For advertising inquiries: mail: [email protected] vk: https://vk.com/leonid_naumtsev Timecodes: 0:00 - Introduction 3:16 - Big plans and the implementation of Gotham 13:05 - Why was NEXTGEN needed? 22:10 - The importance of working out the details 35:15 - A big problem 47:33 - Combat and stealth 1:01:35 - Results