A proper understanding of Bata's service is the absolute foundation for a complete understanding of Bata's philosophy. You will often hear that Bata's legacy is based on the iconic motto: "Our customer - our master." But that is only the fourth level of this philosophy. "Service works miracles." "Serve!" "Thinking about business means thinking about service." And many other Bata's mottos about service. Are you already thinking about sacrificing yourself for the business, the business and the customer? But where... the foundation is: serve yourself first. Suddenly it becomes completely clear why Tomáš Bata became so intensely interested in whether his colleagues sleep at least eight hours a day, eat regularly and exercise. Link to the e-shop: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/obchod/ Facebook: / batovavila Instagram: / nadace.tomase.bati Contacts: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/kontakt/