The Baťa motto "Fear is worse than a wound" expresses a profound Baťa thought about how destructive fear is to our body and mind. When a person gets a wound, it heals, and we can move on, but with fear it is significantly different. Fear lives in us, slowly growing stronger and spreading in our mind and body. It creates a feeling of tension, smallness, leads to underestimation and sometimes even rudeness. How to face fear and get rid of it? And how did Tomáš Baťa feel? Was he afraid? How did he fight fear? You will learn that in the next episode of the Baťa Inspiration podcast. Baťa's principles for fighting fear 1. When you feel that you are afraid to do something, do it. 2. When it seems to you that you are finding a reason not to do something that you should do, reject this reason. 3. Be yourself, let people think what they want. 4. If you doubt your ability to do something, go for it. 5. Have the courage of your convictions. 6. Say what you really think. 7. If you are scared, whistle. Whistle and move forward. 8. If it is better to say no, say NO. 9. Don’t procrastinate and don’t compromise with fear. 10. Don’t wait for a better time. – waiting is fear. 11. If you lack self-confidence, take a deep breath and go for it. 12. If you are afraid of people, socialize with them. 13. Seize the opportunity. You won’t always be successful, but it is better to make a dozen mistakes and suffer for them than to be afraid to move forward. 14. Fight your own weakness. Maybe no one knows about it except you. Link to e-shop: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/obchod/ Facebook: / batovavila Instagram: / nadace.toma. . Contacts: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/kontakt/