When you start to take an interest in the application of Bata principles in practice, you will soon come across the name Ivan Bata. For many, he is a symbol of success, because you almost immediately see an overview of all the awards that he or the company Fosfa as has received. However, he himself says that success is relative. He has read hundreds of books, met many important teachers and personalities, and at the same time adds: If I had known Bata a few years earlier, I might not have had to learn some things so hard. He follows one of his mottos: Do not imitate – be at the forefront. What is it like to decide to follow Bata principles in the Czech business environment? Why does he like to go to production in the evening and say that the time will come when we will start to draw fully from Bata's legacy? And you will also learn, for example, why he does not spend time playing golf and in business clubs. Link to e-shop: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/obchod/ Facebook: / batovavila Instagram: / nadace.tomase.bati Contacts: https://www.nadacetomasebati.cz/kontakt/