◆Sticker sales page https://hobodeco.base.shop/ ◆Twitter / hobo_deco ◆Instagram / hobodeco.ch [Afterword to DECO-8] Two days after the defeat at Lake Saiko. I forced myself to go to Kameyama Dam, despite my still-tired body. It's a little early, but this is the last fishing shoot of 2020 for Deco. The state of emergency declaration in April 2020 meant that I had more work than I'd ever experienced since joining the company, and I had a lot of free time, so I came up with this channel. I was worried about how many people would watch videos of me not catching anything, even though it's a fishing channel, but I've continued for the past six months, always encouraged by your warm comments. I'd also like to thank you for the words of encouragement you gave me at Kameyama Dam and Lake Sagami. In 2021, I'll continue to aim for my dream of catching a 600cc fish, so I hope you'll join us again next year! #bassfishing #kameyamadam #bosoreservoir #beginner #bigbait #almostdeco◆AboutAlmostDecoCH.This is a channel where we "want to catch bass" in various fields, mainly around Kameyama Dam. It's not "bass fishing". If you want to see information on fishing results, I'm sorry, but there's very little. My favorite styles are the extremes of giant bait and twitching. I don't have the skill or the sense, but I'm mentally stronger than anyone. Of course it's a deco, and if I catch a bass, it's a godsend. The bass won't be shown at that level. But there's still the unshakable joy of bass fishing. This is what the channel that conveys it, HoboDecoCH.