The camera follows high school graduate rookie Wakikawa Hayato, who is a member of the Shiga Lakes of the professional basketball B League! We will get to know the unknown face of Wakikawa, such as what it's like living alone and why he chose to go pro instead of going to college! #Basketball #B League #Shiga Lakes #Wakikawa Hayato #Naenano #Bukapi #High school basketball #Fukuoka University Ohori #Taebsumi #Kawamada Hiroya Please subscribe to our channel! →https://bit.ly/3KGvXZk ▦Bukapi's official SNS are here↓ ▼Twitter / bukapi_one (Naena's Bukapi Nano) → / naenano_bukapi ▼Instagram (Basketball only) → / bukapi_basketball (Naena's Bukapi Nano) → / naenano_bukapi (Sports in general) → / bukapi_staff ▼TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@lastmeeting_b... / bukatsuone_hosobu ▼Facebook / bukapi ▦ Full support for club people! Bukapi! ▦ Terrestrial TV HP →https://www.asahi.co.jp/sp/bukatsuone/ ▦ Come together! Club people! ▦ We are looking for everyone's videos!! Club introductions, interesting members, amazing skills, anything is OK! We will introduce you on our channel and TV!! <How to apply> Post on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok with a mention of each of our accounts and the hashtag "Bukapi"!! ▦ Contact ▦ [email protected] *Please note that comments that the management deems inappropriate may be deleted from the comment section.