NEW COURSE! Watercolor New Year cards https://lasunova.art/nycard Have you ever watched the road while traveling by car? The edges of the road converge far ahead, surrounded by very small trees. But if you drive closer - the road is as wide as on any other section. The same situation with the far corner of the cabinet - it seems smaller than the close one, although this is not so. This is the visual distortion that helps to perceive the world. But how to transfer this 3D world to flat paper without losing the sense of volume of the image in the drawing. The laws of perspective will help us with this. The same object can be depicted in frontal or angular perspective. The choice of perspective depends on how the object is located relative to the viewer. The first thing you need to do is understand: in what perspective should it be drawn. How to understand this? Very simple. If the object is turned frontally to you, its edges have no distortions - they are parallel relative to each other, then the perspective is with one exact vanishing point. If it is turned at an angle, even a little, then the perspective is angular, with two vanishing points. It is important to understand this. Because they need to be built in different ways. And, perhaps, this is the first skill that needs to be properly honed. I, Ulyana Lasunova, am a watercolor artist. Most often, my students call me "watercolor fairy". Visit my chat Schedule of lessons and broadcasts, as well as sign up for training here https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fijbt9od2PU... You will find my works on the page / lasunova_art Also visit my personal page / ulyana_lu_ Perhaps you were looking for: how to draw architecture, how to draw architectural sketches, how to learn to draw architectural sketches, draw architectural structures, draw architecture step by step, rules of perspective in landscape, rules of perspective in drawing, rules of constructing perspective in drawing, rules of perspective of light and shadow and depiction of volume