???? Jacquard course https://knfs.getcourse.ru/zhakkard?ut... ⚡ Subscribe to our channel in telegram https://t.me/knitforsoul ⚡ Get to know the school and courses https://knfs.getcourse.ru/basic?utm_s... ⚡ Free online seminar "Knit better 2.0: the formula for an ideal product" https://knfs.getcourse.ru/webinar_vya... ⚡ Store of descriptions and master classes "Knit for the soul" https://market.knfs.ru/ ⚡ Course "Advanced" https://knfs.ru/profi?utm_source=yout... I present to you a knitting expert - Anastasia Light. She is a popularizer of handicrafts in our country, supports Russian and Norwegian traditions, works in the technique of cut jacquard, has created over 50 master classes. Recently, Anastasia collected and published her accumulated experience in the form of two publications dedicated to jacquard knitting. From the review, you will learn about unique northern patterns and the creation of products with them. These books will be useful to any craftswoman, they have a lot of visual materials: photos, diagrams, descriptions. In the video you will find: 00:00 getting to know Anastasia Light 01:26 history of the creation of books about jacquard 04:12 where did the tradition of knitting with both hands come from 05:45 book about knitting "Norwegian motifs": diagrams, patterns, techniques 08:08 book about knitting "Brilliant mittens and gloves": product designer 14:03 why cut jacquard ______________________________________ Online academy "Knit for the soul" We are on VKontakte https://vk.com/knitforsoul Telegram https://t.me/knitforsoul Registration for a free online seminar https://knfs.getcourse.ru/webinar_vya... Store descriptions https://market.knfs.ru/ #masterclass #knittingwithneedles #knitting #knittinglessons #patternswithneedles #patternwithneedles #masterclassknitting #masterclasswithneedles #splitjacquard #knittingpatterns #patternpattern #lorapotapova #knittingschool #jacquard #jacquardpattern #anastaviyalight