Plant Morphology - This video covers some of the morphological variations that we find in plant leaves, including: origin and general functions (photosynthesis; respiration; transpiration), constituent parts (veins; limbus; petiole; sheath), classification regarding the subdivision of the limbus (simple leaves [complete; petiolate; invaginant; sessile]; compound leaves [trifoliolate; digitate; pinnate; bipinnate]), classification according to consistency (membranous; herbaceous; leathery; fleshy), classification according to surface (glabrous; smooth; hairy ; rugosa), classification according to venation (uninervea; parallelinervea; peninérvea; palminérvea; curvinérvea; peltinérvea), phyllotaxis (alternate; alternate-coupled; opposite; decussate), modified leaves (cotyledons; cataphylls; bracts; tendrils; spines; carnivorous) and heterophilia.