???? Need HELP❓ Call me on WhatsApp: https://wa.link/8uu511 (62) 99252-7197 If you own a bar and/or restaurant, are you paying the lowest tax possible within the law? Hey guys, how are you? Accountant Lásaro Marcos here!! In today's video I will show you how to pay the lowest tax for bars and restaurants. ???? To open a CNPJ, contact us through the link below: https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.... ⬛ To download your CNPJ, contact us through the link below: https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.br/ ???? To do your IRPF, contact us through the link below; https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.br/ ???? To CHANGE ACCOUNTANT, contact us through the link below; https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.... ???? To change from MEI to ME, contact us using the link below; https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.... ???? IMPORTANT LINKS ???? -▶https://shre.ink/3WE ____________________________________________________________ ???? To get in touch???? ???? WhatsApp: WhatsApp: https://wa.link/o04gcc ???? Website: https://transparenciacontabilgyn.com.br/ ____________________________________________________________________ ???? Social Networks???? ????Instagram -▶Transparência contabilidade: https://url.gratis/NSHkN2 -▶Lásaro Marcos: https://shre.ink/nqA ???? Facebook: -▶LinkedIn: https://shre.ink/nqx ????YouTube -▶ https://shre.ink/3WE _____________________________________________________________________ ???? New videos from Mondays to Fridays ⏰ Always at 8:00 pm Brasilia time #lowesttaxforbarsandrestaurants #howtopaythelowesttaxpossiblewithinthelaw #transparencyaccounting#accountinggoiania#accounting#DEdj30es