Dear ones, when two years ago, worried about the life of an orphaned bear cub, we decided to pair him with a dog, we caused a lot of controversy. Now is the time for adulthood and respect for the biological, different needs of our Royal Couple. In nature, bears grow up and leave their mother and siblings, entering adulthood alone, associating only for the time of reproduction. A domestic dog needs its family, dog-human, and life for it. Bari taught us loyalty, love and tolerance for other species every day. He showed us how big a dog's heart is. He saved the bear cub and this friendship will remain forever. Bari is a member of the zoo family and his caretaker will become his ultimate human friend. In this way, Bari will be with us until the end. And Cisna, born in freedom, moves to a large enclosure, where a piece of forest will allow her to be a bear and reveal the wildest corners of her nature... It is not an easy decision, because as human beings we would like this friendship to last. But every day we try to be guided not by the needs of us humans and our ideas about Nature, but by the good and biology of our charges, condemned to captivity. Keep your fingers crossed for Her Bear-ness and Prince Bari, may they live their own happy lives... We would like to thank Mrs. Justyna Musiał (Bisurman breeding) for trusting us and entrusting us with a puppy, and Mr. and Mrs. Teresa and Bogusław Płonka for providing funds for the purchase of the dog, the Four Paws Foundation for their help. We would like to thank Bari for every day of his extraordinary service. And you - for your constant sympathy and support for this couple, for us and the Poznań Zoo.