Hello Prendadas ???? how are you? In this class I am teaching a very simple and easy to make Pen????. In the style of the most famous doll in the world. Inspired by the version of the most anticipated Live Action of the year. It is not to die of love ???????? Prendadas read carefully the Mold for you to make this cuteness is for sale. With a value of R$ 5.00 reais only via pix. The pix Key is the email [email protected] after payment send me your name, CPF and your email to contact our customer service (99) 98222-2769. For more questions, be sure to send a message via WhatsApp. And if you are not yet subscribed to our Channel, don't waste time, come and be a Prendada too and be part of the cutest Club in the galaxy (: Prendadas, as soon as the booklet is ready, it will be available here for you to download, stay tuned*. Prendadas, the biscuit used in the pieces are from our partner Elly Soares, owner of Elly Biscuit ♥︎ Instagram: https://instagram.com/elly_biscuit_of... Elly Biscuit Online Store: https://ellybiscuit.lojavirtualnuvem.... . . Instagram: https://instagram.com/menina_prendada... . . Our Online Store: https://meninaprendadaemevaofc.lojavi... . . a big kiss from Prendada ????❤️