Features of Baltic yarn, what thicknesses there are, differences between kauni and dundaga, what is roving, how to felt a knitted product and everything-everything about this yarn is told by expert Anastasia Kazi. Anastasia has been selling Baltic yarn for 7 years and she herself goes to purchase from the factory. Group where you can choose yarn https://vk.com/nitki_eesti Video MK for a sweater that I knitted from Baltic yarn bought from Anastasia • MK CROCHET SWEATER oversize cross ... My equipment: camera https://www.mvideo.ru/products/fotoap... lens https://store.canon.ru/ob-ektiv-ef-m-...2065714053&utm_term=&utm_content=k50idpla-306516593933cid2065714053aid366735700692gid77418295118possrcu_ dvccreg9047067rin&k50id=77418295118pla-306516593933&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K75BRAEEiwAd41h1Kl9ajsw1DL5JfHjW66HNdpoVwe7tbaKoV7MuJH7G1e6-cTnacX13xoC2eEQAvD_BwE microphone https://www.fotosklad.ru/catalog/mikr... editing in final cut pro x 0:00 what is kauni and what are its features? 2:18 what colors are there 8:20 colors of the artistic series (sectional) 9:15 what is roving 5:00 about thicknesses 11:59 differences between kauni and dundagi 12:45 who comes up with the colors 14:10 compositions 15:39 preparing yarn for knitting 16:32 about felting 18:11 knitting with jacquard and crochet