Bakusho Mondai's Search-chan Geinin-chan Material Festival Special 2024 Broadcast date and time #Bakusho Mondai's Search-chan #Geinin-chan #Search-chanFriday, December 27, 2024 23:15 - 1:15 Official websiteGo to the program's official websiteProgram overviewA gathering of great comedians! A festival of material! The best skits and manzai from Bakusho Mondai, Tokyo03, Bakarhythm, Haraichi, Viking, Knights, Tomochika, Shinkuu Jessica, Tom Browne, Westland, and more!Program details◇Program content"Bakusho Mondai's Search-chan Geinin-chan Material Festival: A Great Gathering of Talented Comedians SP"The annual end-of-year material festival! We'll be showing you a luxurious selection of serious skits and manzai from 12 talented comedians!! ◇Cast [MC] Bakusho Mondai, Eiko Koike [Cast] Takahiro Higashi, Westland, Daimaou Kosaka, Shinkuu Jessica, Teruyuki Tsuchida, Tokyo 03, Tomochika, Tom Brown, Knights, Viking, Bakarhythm, Haraichi, and others ◇Announcement