★A "slightly good bag" that looks expensive and costs less than 100,000 yen. For those who are thinking of buying one, we will introduce some recommended bags, from popular brand bags to bags that only a few people know about. Thank you for watching ❤︎ We plan to continue to provide various information and interesting topics. Please subscribe to our channel as it will encourage us! This channel is a channel that delivers interesting and useful topics from Girls Channel in one place. [Source] Girls Channel https://girlschannel.net/ Subscribe here ♪ / @matomegirlsch ◎Please note that typos, images, etc. may be edited or omitted to the extent that the meaning and intent of the original post is not changed. #bag #brand bag #girls channel #useful #galchan #Girlschannel #galchan summary #2ch interesting thread #fashionable #around 40 #around 30 #bag