Sponsored live from 01/27/2023 The 10th edition of Touche Pas À Mon Mate, a board game show offered by OMEN & AMD and produced by ZQSD Production where all the players compete on one or more games, sometimes IRL, for an entire evening! Back to the roots with a good old Among Us, full of betrayal. Find me live on Twitch: / bagherajones With Antoine Daniel, Joueur du Grenier, Ponce, Etoiles, Shaunz, Angle Droit, MoMaN, CaMaK and Khalen: / antoinedaniel / joueur_du_grenier / ponce / etoiles / shaunz / angledroit / moman / camak / kha_len My networks --------------------- The Best-Of on Youtube: / bagherajoneslive Twitter: / baghera__jones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bagherajone... Tiktok: / bagherajones Discord: / discord