If you liked the video, you can support us with a THANK YOU Subscribe by clicking here: / receitasdaelem THE EASIEST ONION QUICHE RECIPE IN THE WORLD Quick and easy recipes ♡ Amazing videos suggested for you! DO YOURSELF YOUR WHITE SAUCE • I LEARNED TO MAKE THIS SAUCE IN ITALY ... EARN A LOT OF MONEY SELLING STUFFED CHEESE BREAD • EARN A LOT OF MONEY MAKING THIS RECIPE ... Telegram Group Link https://t.me/joinchat/VpMT3TyIi8i-KDMT Let's make a classic of French cuisine: QUICHE LORRAINE with bacon bits and lots of cheese! Simple and easy to prepare, the recipe is delicious and goes well with many meals Recipe Cup measurement 250 ml 1 ½ cup of wheat flour 100 g of butter 1 egg 3 tablespoons of cream 1 pinch of salt 500 g of bacon ½ onion Liquid base 4 eggs Salt to taste Black pepper to taste Nutmeg to taste 300 ml of cream 200 g of mozzarella Mold 28cm in diameter x 3cm in height Quiche, a dish that experienced a territorial dispute Quiche is an open pie, with a filling based on cream and eggs, and originally stuffed with bacon. Today it is possible to find many fillings, such as: leek, spinach, vegetables, arugula, mushrooms, salmon, always adding a cheese, be it parmesan, Gruyère, camembert, Roquefort or brie. The word “quiche” comes from the German “Küchen” (pie). Quiche is a dish that originated in Alsace Lorraine, which is currently part of northeastern France and borders Germany. The Alsace Lorraine region was ruled by the Germans on several occasions and was the scene of many territorial disputes between the French and the Germans. When Quiche was created, the region that is now Alsace Lorraine was a German province and was called “Lothringen”, which means “Lorraine” in Portuguese and “Lorraine” in French. After many battles, including the First and Second World Wars, France retook Alsace Lorraine in 1945, and the French named the quiche “Quiche Lorraine”. It is clear that quiche has a rather troubled origin, influenced by the territorial dispute over Alsace Lorraine. The truth is that quiche is of German origin, but it is a typical, traditional and excellent French dish. The dough used to make a quiche is patê brisée, which is made with butter and flour and becomes crumbly when ready. Quiche is a type of pie, but it differs from others in that it is open and not covered, and its filling is made with cream, eggs and nutmeg. Today, quiche is known and appreciated all over the world for being such a tasty and interesting dish to serve on any occasion. Quiche became popular after the Second World War, first gaining fans in England, then in the 1950s in the United States, and from there it gained worldwide fame. Quiche can be served for lunch, dinner, afternoon tea or even as a starter, varying the fillings according to each person's creativity. Source https://www.petitgastro.com.br/histor... You'll want to make this recipe, crispy dough, creamy and tasty filling. A spectacle from start to finish Bacon and cheese quiche #quiche #cheesequiche #baconquiche