This Indonesian film released in 1993 tells the story of the relationship between Mr. Irawan (Robert Syarief), Yohana's father (Nike Ardilla), and Rini (Ade Irawan), Johan's mother (Rano Karno), which is broken because Mr. Irawan does not approve of Yohana's relationship with Johan. Meanwhile, Johan, who is busy playing music with Yohana's older brother (Sigit Subangun), tries to prove that he is valuable enough. He joins ABRI with Yohana's older brother and is accepted. They are sent to Timor Leste. When they are about to leave, Johan is shocked by the fact that Yohana is pregnant due to the actions of a gang that once kidnapped her. Yohana dies in an accident but her baby survives. Johan asks his mother, Rini, to take care of the baby. Yosiana (Fitria Cintania). In Timor Leste, Johan dies after having time to raise a child who is then taken by Yohana's older brother to Jakarta. All these events make the relationship between Mr. Irawan and Mrs. Rini good again. Don't forget to always Share, Comment and Subscribe.. There will be lots of new content from Rumah Film Indonesia #RumahFilmIndonesia