Children's songs with Leo! In today's baby song, let's make soup with Leo. Let's get the kids vegetables: broccoli, carrots, potatoes, cut them and cook them. Look, Scoop and Lifty are also helping and singing along with Leo. Our soup is very good! Friends, it's time to eat. Bon appetit cars! 00:00 Leo is making soup. 02:50 Leo and his concrete mixer. 09:47 My suitcase song. 13:30 Leo and his cash register. 18:30 Leo learn the months! 🚚 Play games with little truck Leo: https://l.projectfirst.tv/Games Color the pictures with us! Little truck Leo - http://kapukikanuki.ru/?p=71197 Visit the Little Truck Leo store ⭐ https://spreadshop-admin.spreadshirt.... You Can Easily Reach New Educational and Instructive Cartoons on Happy Children TV. The Best Cartoons to Learn While Having Fun. Become our member and don't miss the new cartoons. Watch new Happy Child videos and cartoons • Car games: Leo Junior Scoop's D... Follow us on Facebook: / mutlucocuktv Follow our channel: / @mutlucocuk