Find out more on my website: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/... What are newborn hiccups, why do they occur, why are they often related to gastric disorders such as regurgitation or gastroesophageal reflux in newborns and how can they stop? These are the questions I will give an exhaustive answer to in this video and on the website: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/... What are hiccups and why do they occur? The term "hiccup" comes from the Latin singultus, meaning "to emit a single sound" (from singuli) or "contraction of the throat" (from sim-glutus). Hiccups are an involuntary movement characterized by the rapid contraction of the diaphragm and other accessory respiratory muscles. Their sudden contraction is followed by a sudden closure of the vocal cords (with the production of the characteristic "strangled" sound of hiccups) - Hiccups have a rhythmic and cadenced pattern, with a frequency that varies from 15/20 up to 40 hiccups per minute. Hiccups are a "reflex" mechanism, controlled by a nervous circuit composed of several nerves: the phrenic nerve (innervates the diaphragm), the vagus nerve (X cranial nerve), the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX cranial nerve) and the intercostal nerves. Find out more on my website: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/... How to stop hiccups in newborns? To effectively resolve hiccups, you must first resolve any causes for which the diaphragm becomes irritated: that is, gastric disorders (therefore digestive difficulties and possible gastroesophageal reflux), improve the positioning and rhythm of the baby's sucking during feeding, both at the breast than at the bottle, and evaluate the presence of any contractures of the diaphragm itself caused by an uncomfortable intrauterine position for the baby (sometimes babies hiccup already in the mother's womb). Find out more on my website: https://www.matteosilvaosteopata.com/...