First bath for a newborn: http://www.pianetamamma.it/video/bamb... In this video, the educationalist Marta Stella Bruzzone explains how to deal with the first bath of a newborn. #howtofirstbabybath #babybath #newborn ► HOW TO BATH A NEWBORN: https://www.pianetamamma.it/il-bambin... ► HOW TO PREPARE A NEWBORN BATH: https://www.pianetamamma.it/video/bam... ► NEWBORN HYGIENE: https://www.pianetamamma.it/il-bambin... ★ STAY IN TOUCH WITH PIANETAMAMMA ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/PianetaM... ► Facebook: / pianetamamma ► Instagram: / pianetamamma_ig PianetaMamma accompanies mothers from the moment of pregnancy to the growth and development of the child. Guides and insights from experts on every aspect of motherhood and life with children. ★VISIT THE SITE: https://www.pianetamamma.it/ #pianetamamma