A very common question I hear from mothers who contact me is: Shirley, I don't know what to do! My son mixes day and night! During the day he sleeps really well, and at night he's a total mess. Well, this isn't something that happens very often, so in today's video, I'm going to talk a little bit about it. Check out my book: “Grávida e Prática - Um guia sem rodeios para a mãe de primeira viagem”! Amazon: https://amzn.to/2S6NI8P For more details, watch the video about it: http://bit.ly/gravidaepraticaolivro 1) WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? The newborn spent nine months in a place where day and night were not very well defined, so it's natural that it takes a while for him to get used to the right sleep routine. Another factor is that the baby's sleep cycle doesn't work exactly like an adult's (it's much shorter). To understand this better, I invite you to watch the video I made about it: • BABY SLEEP CYCLES: UNDERSTAND WHY... 2) WHAT TO DO WHEN THIS HAPPENS? What can be done to make the baby sleep more at night is, consequently, to sleep less during the day. Remember that when we talk about newborns, over the course of 24 hours, they can sleep up to 20 or 22 hours. After 3 months, the time awake increases a little, but even so the baby does not sleep much less than 16 or 18 hours a day. To learn more about how much a baby of each age should sleep, I suggest another video here on the channel: • HOW MUCH A BABY SHOULD SLEEP - TIPS ... 3) ESTABLISH A NIGHTTIME ROUTINE A few days after birth, establish a nighttime rhythm: reduce ambient noise, always bathe the baby at the same time, give a massage in sequence, turn off the lights, breastfeed, and play calming music. 4) PUT THE BABY TO BED EARLY When it gets dark, the body releases melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, and your little one may benefit from going to bed early. The recommendation is that your child's nighttime sleep period begins around eight o'clock at night and lasts as long as possible until the sun begins to rise, around six o'clock in the morning. 5) REVIEW YOUR CHILD'S SLEEP TIME DURING THE DAY Remember that your child has a limited number of hours to sleep within the 24 hours of the day and that, if he sleeps for many hours in the morning or afternoon, he will end up making up for those hours in the early morning. 6) INCREASE THE TIME OF PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH THE BABY DURING THE DAY Many babies wake up in the middle of the night because they want physical contact with their mother. In other words, during the day, the mother, who works outside the home or is busy with other activities, is unable to hold the baby much. So, at night, when he wakes up, he gets to be held. So, what he does is wake up more to receive the cuddle he needs. 7) IF EVERYTHING IS OK, DON'T WAKE UP THE BABY TO BREASTFEED Wait for your child to wake up spontaneously if he is hungry so that he can offer the breast. If everything is fine with the child, he will naturally wake up every three or four hours and cry so that he can breastfeed. 8) SOUNDS THAT HELP Many children find nighttime strange and spend more time awake because of the silence. Always remember that constant noise is not strange to babies, since this was the environment they had in the womb and, therefore, daytime noise can give them more security so they can sleep better. Here on the channel there is a video in which I give tips on sounds that help the baby relax and sleep better: • SOUNDS THAT HELP THE BABY SLEEP: 8 DI... 9) TRANSITION OBJECT Give him a little blanket or animal that we usually call a transition object. Little by little, this object makes the transition between the world and the little one's mind, being very important for his emotional development. #Maternity #Pregnancy #Newborn To receive notifications of new videos, activate the notification alert (by clicking on the bell). Check out other videos you'll enjoy: BABY SLEEP CYCLES: UNDERSTAND WHY YOUR CHILD WAKES UP SO MUCH • BABY SLEEP CYCLES: UNDERSTAND WHY... HOW MUCH SHOULD A BABY SLEEP • HOW MUCH SHOULD A BABY SLEEP - TRICKS ... SOUNDS THAT HELP THE BABY SLEEP: 8 UNMISSABLE TIPS • SOUNDS THAT HELP THE BABY SLEEP: 8 TRICKS ... www.macetesdemae.com facebook.com/macetesdemae instagram.com/macetesdemae twitter.com/macetesdemae pinterest.com/macetesdemae Production: http://www.laranjaazul.com.br Makeup: @nanyferreiramakeup Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Footage by Videoblocks (https://www.videoblocks.com) and Envato Elements (https://elements.envato.com/curated)