Hello Coy…. There is a case that is currently trending between Andhika Kangen Band aka Babang Tamvan and cover musicians Tri Suaka & Zidan regarding a video where Tri and Zidan imitate the way Babang Tamvan sings. Many netizens defended Andhika regarding the video. Tri and Zidan have actually apologized through their respective Instagram accounts. However, the aftermath of this case is that Tri and Zidan are considered to have no attitude towards fellow musicians. Keep following the excitement of Eko Patrio's activities, and continue to support EKO PATRIO TV to provide entertainment to all of you. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!!!!! Thank you Coy… Follow Us : @siarankeluargaekopatrio @ekopatriosuper @naylayuu @viona__rosalina @sodadude_20 @canavaroekopatrio