Bab Al-Hara Part 1 is a Syrian series produced in 2006, and is the first part of the Bab Al-Hara series. The series is directed by Bassam Al-Mulla, and written by Marwan Qawuq and Kamal Marra. The series is a social drama set in the 1920s, and sheds light on Damascene life, noble values, and ancient customs and traditions. The series is considered one of the most successful Arab series, which led to the formation of several parts following it. Like: / watannetwork Follow: / watannetwork Follow: / watannetwork You can follow these works and more on the WatanFlix platform - WatanFlix http://www.watanflix.com Android - Android https://goo.gl/QQECbr Apple devices - Apple Store iOS https://goo.gl/TBKyv5 All rights reserved to WatanNetwork WatanNetwork http://www.watannetwork.com #Bab_Al-Hara #Abu_Shahab #Al-Adashri