This is a summary of the important stages of my soul evolution journey from the beginning of balancing the chakras to awakening. You will also find the meaning of human existence in this article. Brief introduction about the author 10 years of developing the balance of 7 chakras 1. Developing chakras 3 and 5 through website creation 2. Developing chakras 2 and 4 to rebalance 3. Developing chakras 6 through stocks 4. Developing chakra 1 through gym 1 year of changing perception 1. Being alive is happiness 2. Forgive, let go, free the mind 3. Increase maximum compassion 4. The universe belongs to all species Dark night of the soul - awakening Kundalini Healing after awakening Kundalini Rainbow recharges my energy My mindfulness meditation process Wisdom arises after awakening 1. It is impossible to eliminate greed, anger and ignorance 2. The universe has operated very effectively Human life's mission Benefits of enlightenment Read here: https://toitinhthuc.com/thuc-tinh-tam... #luanxa #thien #giacngo #chualanh #tinhthuc #thuctinh #spiritual awareness #practice