Case commented / Series Tip! Ayrton Senna da Silva made Brazil a better country. His talent, his determination and his star power made him the best Formula 1 driver in the world, the best in our country as a calling card. He lost his life in 1994 and became eternal in the memories and future of Brazilians and thousands of fans around the world. After books and documentaries, it was Ayrton's turn to have his miniseries on Netflix. But... Is the idol's real life portrayed in the mega production? #mystery #netflix #series #documentary #books #podcast #formula1 To get 15% off at INSIDER, use the coupon BETO15 or click the link below: https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... To become a member, click the link below: / @betoribeirocrime TO BUY THE BOOK PODER S/A: Amazon: https://a.co/d/5Tpw66f Drummond: https://drummondlivraria.com.br/poder... BETO RIBEIRO STORE - NOTEBOOKS, MUGS, T-SHIRTS AND MUCH MORE WEBSITE: https://lojabetoribeiro.com.br FOR INTERNATIONAL SALES, USE WHATS: +55 11 94306-3034 Anyone involved with the cases, who wants to bring their point of view on the story, contact: [email protected] Instagram: / betoribeiro Instagram Community: https://ig.me/j/AbZwNno-VFZjtv8Y/ TikTok: / betoribeiro_ Amazon: amazon.com/author/betoribeiro Twitter: / betoribeiroreal WhatsApp Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FPInyjc5fXL... Telegram Link: https://t.me/betoribeirocrime Beto Ribeiro (MTB Journalist 0096117/SP) CHANNEL WITH A JOURNALISTIC VISION OF INFORMATION AND PRECAUTION OF CR1ME. Subscribe, like, comment. :) CR1ME, BEHAVIOR AND MYSTERY - WITH BETO RIBEIRO