In this course you will learn from scratch the basics of Amazon Web Services, from installing the AWS CLI to getting to know its services ▶ Don't miss more live broadcasts at: / midudev 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:01:15 - What is the Cloud? 00:03:01 - The interesting thing about AWS 00:03:55 - 3 reasons to learn AWS 00:07:06 - What are we going to learn in the course? 00:08:24 - Prerequisites 00:08:43 - Free Tier and AWS Account 00:10:22 - IMPORTANT 00:11:13 - Install AWS CLI 00:13:12 - Enable MFA 00:15:53 - Notice 00:16:58 - Scalability (2 types) 00:26:14 - AWS Interface 00:28:05 - Services Section 00:29:07 - EC2 00:38:51 - Inside our instance 00:40:18 - Connect to the instance 00:43:14 - Starting our machine 00:44:44 - Installing different versions of Node.js inside the instance 00:46:30 - My recommendation 00:48:39 - RDS (Relational Database service) 00:49:13 - Documentdb 00:50:19 - Dynamo DB 00:51:35 - Amazon MemoryDB 00:52:19 - RDS 01:01:22 - Connectivity 01:02:49 - Costs 01:04:20 - Planet Scale 01:06:48 - S3 01:08:33 - Creating a bucket 01:09:32 - Object ownership 01:09:57 - Setting public access blocking 01:11:20 - Bucket versioning, labels 01:11:56 - Default encryption 01:13:40 - Creating a folder 01:13:58 - Uploading an image 01:14:32 - Storage class 01:16:18 - Typical S3 error 01:16:57 - Bucket policy 01:20:29 - Deploying an entire web page 01:21:41 - Setting up keys 01:22:13 - Creating a user 01:25:12 - Access key 01:25:29 - Setting up keys 01:26:54 - Deploy to the web 01:28:47 - Improving performance 01:29:26 - Redirection rules (SPA) 01:32:10 - What if we make changes to our project? 01:33:44 - Lambda 01:35:58 - Creating a Lambda 01:39:44 - Testing 01:40:17 - Code 01:43:17 - Monitoring 01:45:53 - Triggers 01:49:37 - Use as URL 01:51:05 - Connecting to the database 01:54:05 - Deleting the database 01:55:26 - How much money should I pay? 01:56:05 - AWS Certification