15-year-old Bohdan from Ivano-Frankivsk has been putting up ads around the city since the summer. He promises 200 hryvnias to anyone who finds his mother or tells her whereabouts. 36-year-old Olga Lenyuk disappeared without warning. In addition to Bohdan, 6 other minor children were left without maternal care, the youngest of whom is only a year and a half old. Olga's mother claims that Vasyl constantly abused his wife and forced her to give birth to children, so she could not stand it. Irresponsible attitude to motherhood, or the only way to escape domestic violence? Our journalists conducted their own investigation and today in the studio "It concerns everyone" we will find out what happened to the mother of many children. ------------------- "It concerns everyone" - a television project that changes life. "It concerns everyone" - a television project that changes life. Subscribe to the channel "Касается жеговского" on Youtube - / telecastsk "Касается гечгоско" on Facebook - / inter.sk Official page of Andrey Danilevich - / andriydanilevich Subscribe to the "Inter" channel on Youtube - / intertvua Official page of "Inter" on Facebook - / inter.ua Website of the "Inter" TV channel - https://inter.ua/ru/