Channel T-shirts: http://www.descomplicandoamusica.com/... Avoided notes are those that you should avoid playing (unless you have a good reason to do so). The “problem” with an avoided note is that it distorts the harmonic function of a chord, in addition to generating dissonances that can be unpleasant in most contexts. Organized playlist of functional harmony (prerequisite for this class): • Introduction to Functional Harmony In a melody or solo, avoided notes should be played as passing notes (avoid resting on these notes). The reason why you cannot use avoided notes as resting notes is because the effect caused by a resting note works as if it were a note added to the chord. A basic rule to find avoided notes in the major harmonic field is to avoid playing the note that characterizes the next function. In other words, if the chord is C (tonic function), the next function (in the tonic – subdominant – dominant sequence) will be the subdominant function, so we will avoid playing the note F, which characterizes the subdominant function in this case. Just to remind you, the notes (melody) that characterize each function are degrees I (tonic), IV (subdominant) and VII (sensitive). To learn more about the subject, read our article on forming complex chords using chord notes and tension notes available at: http://www.descomplicandoamusica.com/...