Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra, introduced audiences to a fantasy world inspired by various Asian and indigenous cultures. The franchise takes its worldbuilding very seriously and has an unusually deep lore for a Nickelodeon cartoon. The central concept of the story revolves around the Avatar, a figure of great spiritual importance. The Avatar is known for being able to bend all four elements; most people in the world of Avatar cannot bend even one element, and those who can bend are limited to having power over only Water, Earth, Fire, or Air. Throughout the series, comics, and novels of the franchise, we have firsthand knowledge of at least 9 Avatars, and in today's video we talk about each of them. Avatar ALL FRANCHISE AVATARS ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????: ✓ Visit the website: https://ovicio.com.br/ ✓ Follow on Instagram: @ovicio.com.br ???? Contact: ✓ ???????????????????????????? → [email protected] ???? Follow Murilo Oliveira: ✓ Instagram → @murilo.ol ✓ Twitter→ /muriloverso ????Our Group on Telegram ✓ ???????????????????????? - https://t.me/siteovicio