This episode is produced in partnership with 10*18 editions. You can find François-Henri Soulié's book, “Angélus”, here: http://tidd.ly/f558dc2b For hundreds of years, they have unleashed the imagination: who are the Cathars? What are their networks? :) To be more serious, the Cathars are a figure that is both very well-known to the general public and yet very subject to many clichés and a lot of misunderstanding. In this episode, we invite you to personify the Cathar religion in order to better understand how the causes of its death. A joyful and instructive episode, which we will follow along with the scalpel! ➤ Discover Jean de Boisséson's association, Saga Films: http://sagafilms.fr/ ???? Editing by Dead Will: / @deadwill ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ➤➤➤ Sources at the end of the description ——————————————————————————————————————————————— ????To subscribe and support my channel???? / @notabenemovies ????Nota Bonus channel???? / @notabonus —————————————————————————————————————————————————— ????Discover my online store???? ➜ https://nota-bene.creator-spring.com/ ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ????You can buy my books by following this link ???? ➜ https://www.notabenemovies.com/ouvrages/ ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ????Join me on social media!???? ➜ Twitch: / notabenemovies ➜ Facebook: / notabenemovies ➜ Twitter: / notabenemovies ➜ Instagram: / notabenemovies ➜ TikTok: / notabenemovies ➜ Tipeee: https://www.tipeee.com/nota-bene ➜ Website: https://www.notabenemovies.com/ ➜ Podcast: https://www.notabenemovies.com/podcasts/ —————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➤➤➤ For more information: —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— - René Nelli, The Daily Life of the Cathars of Languedoc in the 13th Century, Hachette, 1969. - Jean Duvernoy, Catharism: The Religion of the Cathars, Privat, 1976. - Jean Duvernoy, Catharism: The History of the Cathars, Privat, 1979. - Anne Brenon, The True Face of Catharism, Loubatières, 1988. - Pilar Jiménez-Sanchez, Catharisms, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008. - Monique Zerner (dir.), Inventing Heresy? Polemical Discourses and Powers before the Inquisition, in - Collection of the Center for Medieval Studies of Nice, vol. 2, Z'éditions, 1998.