automatic gear manufacturing on a lathe the process of making gears can be done on a lathe by utilizing the built-in lathe thread bell indicator. This idea is considered effective even though it is a bit limited. and is not inferior to the type of gear making machine in general. And the method I use is automatic or works by itself. If I want another size, I just need to replace the gear ratio that is needed. And as a note, the ratio of the shaft to the thread bell out is 1:16. Please try it and good luck @ARIFINLATHE The process of making gears can be done on a lathe by utilizing the lathe thread bell indicator that has been installed. This idea is considered effective even though it is a bit limited. and is not inferior to the type of gear making machine in general. And the method I use is automatic or works by itself. If I want another size, I just need to replace the gear ratio that is needed. And as a note, the ratio of the shaft to the thread bell out is 1:16. The process of making this video includes turning, milling, drilling, welding, etc. Good luck, thank you @ARIFINLATHE