Book suggestions: http://psvideoaulas.com/patologia http://psvideoaulas.com/concurso Using AutoCAD to calculate the area of an irregular terrain where only the measurements of its sides are known. Another video in our series on basic mathematics applied to Engineering. The Engineering we use every day is simple, but it requires a huge variety of knowledge. Any and all learning is valid. For some time now, I have been trying to update the content of my Social Channels. I believe the time is right! In addition to new content that will be created and made available by me, we will have the contribution of other partner professionals. . The winners are all of us who make engineering in our country grow in quantity and quality, when we make useful and accessible materials available to people. You can also contribute to our project to transform PS Videoaulas @psvideoaulas into a knowledge catalyst. Just consume our free and/or monetized content, in addition to leaving your opinions, suggestions, likes and sharing the content you consider relevant with your friends 🤝 . Let's start this new phase with a lesson on calculating the area of roofs, using basic mathematics applied to engineering solutions. The simple should never be relegated or neglected. Simplicity often translates into solving the so-called big problems, because when we begin to understand them better, we can divide them into parts, or even apply the right strategy to solve them. I realize that I can count on you in this crusade towards democratic and qualitative knowledge for all ✊🏿 . #Engineering #Architecture #Engineer #Architect #TechnicalEducation #UniversityEducation #HigherEducation #University #EAD #DistanceLearning #ProfessionalQualification #ContinuingEducation #Teaching #Learning #Covered #Work #Mathematics #BasicMathematics #Calculation #AreaCalculation #PracticalEngineering #BasicEngineering #Pythagoras #GeometricShapes #Trigonometry #AutoCad