One of the biggest challenges for adults with autism is finding a job. There is still a lot of resistance on the part of companies to understand the great potential of the autistic workforce. I recently discovered the Emprega Tea Project, created by Marco Cercal, Eni Rosário and Danielle Lopes. The project aims to bridge the gap between autistic people interested in entering the job market and companies that understand the great potential of autistic people. Emprega Tea will hold a roundtable discussion with businesspeople who want to be part of this new project on October 21st at 7:30 pm at the Industry Campus in Convention Room 3. To learn all about the project, visit the links below: https://www.instagram.com/empregatea?... And you can follow us on social media: / magicasdemae / magicasdemae / magicasdemae https://magicasdemae.com.br/ Canal Mágicas de Mãe / @magicasdemae