Consider contributing to my projects in favor of autism through my campaign on CATARSE: https://www.catarse.me/UmCanalSobreAu... Self-regulation: Sroufe, LA (1995). Emotional development: The organization of emotional life in the early years. New York: Cambridge University Press. Studies that investigated insistence on sameness act as primitive forms of self-regulation: Leekam SR, Prior MR, Uljarevic M. Restricted and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorders: a review of research in the last decade. Psychol Bull. 2011;137(4):562–93. Laing SV, Fernyhough C, Turner M, Freeston MH. Fear, worry and ritualistic behavior in childhood: developmental trends and interrelations. Infant Child Dev. 2009;18:351–66. Uljarević M, & Evans DW. Relationship between repetitive behaviors and fears across normative development, autism spectrum disorder and down syndrome. Autism Res. 2016;10(3):502–07.