Tonic conducting is a very useful tool in ear training. We can easily recognize the intervals of each note in a scale by their melodic and functional relationship with respect to the tonic. We can apply it especially in the context of tonal music, where harmony and melody have defined functions within the context. There are various ear training techniques. Tonic conducting is one more technique. Despite being more related to the tonal context, it contributes in a solid way to the development of relative pitch and the inner ear. I recommend practicing it in conjunction with other techniques. To talk about functions, it is necessary to talk about context. In the context of a tonality, each note has an intrinsic function. In Western culture, we have internalized the tonal system unconsciously. It is almost automatic for everyone to be able to recognize a good melody from a poor melody. A functional melody will be perceived as completely beautiful or normal, and a dysfunctional melody will be perceived as poor, lacking logic and not musical. The most basic function is that of the cadence, which in simple terms is the typical ending of all traditional songs. This ending involves the execution of the chord of the 5th degree of the tonality followed by the first degree. Likewise, in a melody, this cadential function occurs when playing or singing the note of the 5th degree followed by the tonic. The rest of the notes also have melodic functions in the context of a tonality and each of these notes seeks a natural movement towards the tonic. The tonic within the tonality functions as a center of gravity that exerts a particular attraction on each note. Each note has a specific way of being attracted back to the tonic. This is clearly within the tonal system, of which it has been discussed whether its origin is a cultural construction or a natural structure. In the context presented here, a tonal melody is one that begins on the tonic, has a traditional melodic development and returns again to the tonic at the end. The majority of popular songs in the West follow this model. and a historical period in which this Canon was established was classicism, the time of Mozart. So, this technique takes advantage of our close relationship with traditional tonal music, to learn to recognize intervals from our historical auditory experience. Guitar classes (electric, classical, acoustic, jazz, rock, pop) Music theory, Harmony, Composition... contact: [email protected] https://carlettodibronzo.blogspot.com...