#sachnoi #wetransform #problemsolving #giaiquyetvande Introducing to everyone the first 2 chapters of the book: PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS - Reconceptualizing problems to create breakthrough solutions Publisher: Harvard Business Review Author: Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg Translated by: Dr. To Ba Lam, Huynh Huu Tai & WeTransform team Voice: Le Minh Khai You can read the ebook here: https://bit.ly/kynanggiaiquyetvandeebook Order the paper book here: https://bit.ly/sachkynanggiaiquyetvande Take the online test: https://wetransform.vn/reframequiz Reframing course on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/ky-thuat... Introducing the book translator: Huynh Huu Tai is the author, translator, speaker and founder of WeTransform.vn. He has translated about 20 famous books on innovation, digital transformation, business models in the digital age... Some typical books he has translated: Platform Revolution, Blue Ocean Shift, Data Strategy, Design Thinking Practice, Applying Artificial Intelligence to Lead, Inboud Marketing, Problem Solving Skills... Before participating in translating and writing books, he had more than 10 years of experience working at foreign companies in the field of information technology and telecommunications (ICT). He is currently training Design Thinking for businesses, universities, startup support centers, innovation centers... He is producing podcast programs such as: Gen Z Stories is where Gen Z young people share stories about learning, experiencing and growing up: https://genzstories.wetransform.vn/ Skill2Sky is where Vietnamese people abroad share stories about practicing important skills in a multicultural environment. https://skill2sky.wetransform.vn/ Grab A Book is a place to share practical stories, applying knowledge from books into reality. https://grababook.wetransform.vn/ He is mentoring students & Gen Z young people in startup competitions, Hackathons...