Everyday objects sold at unbeatable prices, cars sold at knockdown prices, or even apartments bought well below market prices! Auctions have become a common way of consuming for many French people. But behind these bargains lies the reality of a France that is suffering. That of the yellow vests and difficult ends of the month. Houses or cars sold at auction are seized from families who can no longer pay their mortgage, or following liquidations that decimate small businesses. Selling family jewels or furniture is often the last resort for those struggling to make ends meet. How do auctioneers find the goods they put up for sale? How do they manage sellers who are in precarious situations? How do they attract buyers for their sales? Who are those who are taking advantage of the crisis? Good deals for some, liquidations or judicial seizures for others: a dive into the France that is selling itself at auction. Director: Valérie Rouvière and Martin Mischi