Filming of the Liturgy in the Dochiar Monastery on November 22, 2014 during my trip to Athos on November 16-26, 2014. Two Russian bishops served the day after the paniger (patronal feast) of Dochiar - the Day of the Archangel Michael and other Heavenly Bodiless Powers. The interval of the Liturgy from the Great Entrance until its complete completion was filmed. The service was conducted in Greek, but some of the exclamations and prayers were said in Church Slavonic. Not everyone can visit Athos, but with such filming I want to convey the beauty of the Athonite Divine Service that everyone who comes here sees. Sorry for the not very good quality. Many thanks to Vladimir Ivanov for editing the video sequence of this film. Support the channel: Visa card of Sberbank of Russia 4276 6000 3217 8358